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Wiktionary:Manchu transliteration

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There are several systems for transliteration of the Manchu alphabet. These include the Möllendorff transliteration system invented by German linguist Paul Georg von Möllendorff, Abkai transliteration, the transliteration used in A Comprehensive Manchu-Chinese Dictionary (CMCD). There is also a system of Cyrillization invented by Russian diplomat Ivan Zakharov, using the pre-reform Russian alphabet. The following table shows the differences between three major transliteration systems for the Manchu alphabet.

Manchu transliterations

Sound (IPA) Möllendorff Abkai CMCD Manchu and Unicode Notes
[a] a a a 1820
[ə] e e e 185D
[i] i[1] i i[1] 1873
[ɨ] y[2] y 185F only used in loanwords
[ɔ] o o o 1823
[u] u u u 1860
[ʊ] ū v uu 1861
[n] n n n 1828
[ŋ] ng ng ng 1829
[qʰ] & [kʰ] k k k 1874
[q] & [k] g g g 1864
[χ] & [x] h h h 1865
[p] b b b 182A
[pʰ] p p p 1866
[s]; [ɕ] before [i] s s s 1830
[ʃ]; [ɕ] before [i] š x sh[3] 1867
[tʰ] t t t 1868
[t] d d d 1869
[l] l l l 182F
[m] m m m 182E
[t͡ʃʰ]; [t͡ɕʰ] before [i] c q ch 1834
[t͡ʃ]; [t͡ɕ] before [i] j j zh 1835
[j] y y y 1836
[r] r r r 1875
[f] f f f 1876
[w] w w w 1838
[kʰ] k῾ kk 183A only used in loanwords
[k] g῾ gg 186C only used in loanwords
[x] h῾ hh 186D only used in loanwords
[tsʰ] ts῾[2] c c 186E only used in loanwords
[tsʰ] ts cyʻ cy ᡮᡟ 186E 185F only used in loanwords
[t͡s] dz z z 186F only used in loanwords
[ʐ] ž rr 1870 only used in loanwords
[sɨ] sy syʻ sy ᠰᡟ 1830 185F only used in loanwords
[tʂʰ] c῾ q ch 1871 only used in loanwords
[tʂʰɨ] c῾y qyʻ chy ᡱᡳ 1871 1873 only used in loanwords
[tʂ] j zh zh 1877 only used in loanwords
[tʂɨ] jy jyʻ zhy ᡷᡳ 1877 1873 only used in loanwords


  1. 1.0 1.1 Excluding ᡱᡳ and ᡷᡳ
  2. 2.0 2.1 Excluding ᡮᡟ
  3. ^ Separate s and h are written as s'h to avoid confusion with sh

See also
