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Category:Manchu terms with IPA pronunciation

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Newest pages ordered by last category link update:
  1. ᠮᠠᡴᠰᡳᠮᠪᡳ
  2. ᡤᡝᡥᡠᠩᡤᡝ ᠶᠣᠰᠣ
  3. ᠪᠠᡩᠠᡵᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᡩᠣᡵᠣ
  4. ᠶᠣᠣᠨᡳᠩᡤᠠ ᡩᠠᠰᠠᠨ
  5. ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠩᡤᡝ ᠰᠠᠪᡳᠩᡤᠠ
  6. ᡤᡠᠪᠴᡳ ᡝᠯᡤᡳᠶᡝᠩᡤᡝ
  7. ᡩᠣᡵᠣ ᡝᠯᡩᡝᠩᡤᡝ
  8. ᠰᠠᡳᠴᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡶᡝᠩᡧᡝᠨ
  9. ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᠸᡝᡥᡳᠶᡝᡥᡝ
  10. ᡨᡠᠯᡝᡵᡤᡳ ᠵᠠᠰᠠᡴ ᠮᠣᠩᡤᠣ
Oldest pages ordered by last edit:
  1. ᡥᠣᡳᠰᡝ
  2. ᡤᡡᠸᠠᠪᠰᡳ
  3. ᡤᡳᠰᡠᡵᡝᠴᡝᠮᠪᡳ
  4. ᠰᡠᡩᡠᡵᡳ ᠪᡳᡨ᠌ᡥᡝ
  5. ᡳᠨᡝᠩᡤᡳ ᡝᠵᡝᠪᡠᠨ
  6. ᠰᡠᡩᡠᡵᡳ ᡩᠠᠩᠰᡝ
  7. ᠯᠠᠮᠠᡳ ᡨ᠋ᠠᠴᡳᡥᡳᠶᠠᠨ
  8. ᡠᠶᠠᠨ ᠪᡠᡩ᠋ᠠ
  9. ᠮᠠᡶᠠ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ
  10. ᠪᠣᠣᡳ ᠪᡠᡥᡡ

Manchu terms that include the pronunciation in the form of IPA.

For requests related to this category, see Category:Requests for pronunciation in Manchu entries.

Pages in category "Manchu terms with IPA pronunciation"

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