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मज्झिम पुरिस

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Alternative forms




मज्झिम पुरिस (majjhima purisam

  1. Devanagari script form of majjhima purisa, which is an alternative form of majjhimapurisa (second person)
    • c. 500 AD, Kaccāyana, Pālivyākaraṇaṃ [Pali Grammar]‎[1] (overall work in Pali), page 253; republished as Satish Chandra Acharyya Vidyabhusana, editor, Kaccayana's Pali Grammar (edited in Devanagari character and translated into English), Calcutta, Bengal: Mahabodhi Society, 1901:
      तुम्हे पयुज्जमानेपि अप्पयुज्जमानेपि तुल्याधिकरणे मज्झिमो पुरिसो होति।
      Tumhe payujjamānepi appayujjamānepi tulyādhikaraṇe majjhimo puriso hoti.
      The second person is used when there is agreement with 'you', be it expressed or unexpressed.



The two parts are declined separately.