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From Proto-Permic *u̇stini. Cognates include Udmurt ыстыны (ystyny) and Komi-Permyak ыстыны (ystyny).


  • IPA(key): /ˈɯstɯnɯ/, [ˈɯ̈stɯ̈nɯ̈]
  • Rhymes: -ɯstɯnɯ
  • Hyphenation: ыс‧ты‧ны



ыстыны (ystyny)

  1. (transitive) to send
    • 1963, Korney Chukovsky, translated by Y. Samarin, Телефон [The Telephone], page 3:
      — А ыстыны уна?
      — A ystyny una?
      — And [should we] send a lot?


Conjugation of ыстыны
Present tense Future tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular ыста (ysta) ог ысты (og ysty) ыста (ysta) ог ысты (og ysty)
2nd singular ыстан (ystan) он ысты (on ysty) ыстан (ystan) он ысты (on ysty)
3rd singular ыстӧ (ystö) оз ысты (oz ysty) ыстас (ystas) оз ысты (oz ysty)
1st plural ыстам (ystam) ог ыстӧй (og ystöj) ыстам (ystam) ог ыстӧй (og ystöj)
2nd plural ыстанныд (ystannyd)
ыстад (ystad)
он ыстӧй (on ystöj) ыстанныд (ystannyd)
ыстад (ystad)
он ыстӧй (on ystöj)
3rd plural ыстӧны (ystöny) оз ыстӧй (oz ystöj) ыстасны (ystasny) оз ыстӧй (oz ystöj)
Direct past tense Reported past tense
positive negative positive negative
1st singular ысті (ysti) эг ысты (eg ysty)
2nd singular ыстін (ystin) эн ысты (en ysty) ыстӧмыд (ystömyd) абу ыстӧмыд (abu ystömyd)
3rd singular ыстіс (ystis) эз ысты (ez ysty) ыстӧма (ystöma) абу ыстӧма (abu ystöma)
1st plural ыстім (ystim) эг ыстӧй (eg ystöj)
2nd plural ыстінныд (ystinnyd)
ыстід (ystid)
эн ыстӧй (en ystöj) ыстӧмныд (ystömnyd) абу ыстӧмныд (abu ystömnyd)
3rd plural ыстісны (ystisny) эз ыстӧй (ez ystöj) ыстӧмаӧсь (ystömaöś) абу ыстӧмаӧсь (abu ystömaöś)
positive negative
2nd singular ысты (ysty) эн ысты (en ysty) Infinitive ыстыны (ystyny)
2nd plural ыстӧй (ystöj) эн ыстӧй (en ystöj) Present participle ыстысь (ystyś)
*) The impersonal reported past is expressed using the third singular form.
**) The first person imperative is expressed using the first person future form.
***) Any form ending in -ӧй has an alternative form ending in .
****) The imperfect and perfect participles have alternative forms with a paragogic .
Imperfect participle ыстан (ystan)
Perfect participle ыстӧм (ystöm)
Caritive participle ыстытӧм (ystytöm)
Nominal inflection of ыстыны
Impersonal First person Second person Third person
Nominative ыстыны (ystyny) ыстыным (ystynym) ыстыныд (ystynyd) ыстыныс (ystynys)
Accusative ыстынытӧ (ystynytö) ыстынысӧ (ystynysö)


  • A. I. Podorova, editor (1948), Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], Syktyvkar: Коми Государственное Издательство, page 222
  • L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva (2000) Коми-русский словарь [Komi-Russian dictionary], →ISBN, page 760





From Proto-Permic *u̇stini. Cognates include Komi-Zyrian ыстыны (ystyny) and Komi-Permyak ыстыны (ystyny).


  • IPA(key): [ɯ̈stɯ̈ˈnɯ̈]
  • Rhymes: -ɯ̈
  • Hyphenation: ыс‧ты‧ны



ыстыны (ystyny)

  1. to send, to dispatch
  2. to send away, to send off, to direct, to assign





Derived terms



  • L. E. Kirillova, L. L. Karpova, editors (2008), “ыстыны”, in Удмурт-ӟуч кыллюкам [Udmurt-Russian dictionary], Izhevsk: Удмуртский институт истории, языка и литературы УрО РАН, →ISBN, page 794
  • T. V. Voronova, T. A. Poyarkova, editor (2012), Удмурт-ӟуч, ӟуч-удмурт кыллюкам [Udmurt-Russian, Russian-Udmurt dictionary] (overall work in Russian), Izhevsk: Книжное издательство «Удмуртия», →ISBN, page 85
  • Yrjö Wichmann, Toivo Emil Uotila (1987) Mikko Korhonen, editor, Wotjakischer Wortschatz [Votyak Vocabulary] (Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae; Volume 21) (overall work in German), Helsinki: Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 71