[edit]From то (to, “until”). Phono-semantic matching of Russian до- (do-, “pre-”).[1]
[edit]то- • (to-) (Persian spelling تا)
- pre-, ante-
- Antonym: баъди- (baʾd-i-)
- то- (to-) + синф (sinf, “class”) → тосинфӣ (tosinfi, “preclass”)
- то- (to-) + инқилоб (inqilob, “revolution”) → тоинқилобӣ (toyinqilobi, “prerevolutionary”)
- то- (to-) + ҷанг (jang, “war”) → тоҷангӣ (tojangi, “prewar, antebellum”)
- то- (to-) + таърих (taʾrix, “history”) → тотаърихӣ (totaʾrixi, “prehistoric”)
- то- (to-) + мактаб (maktab, “school”) → томактабӣ (tomaktabi, “preschool”)
- то- (to-) + шӯравӣ (šüravi, “soviet”) → тошӯравӣ (tošüravi, “pre-Soviet”)
[edit]- ^ John R. Perry (2005) A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar (in English), Brill, page 487:
- In word-building, one Russian model seems to have directly suggested an otherwise unattested Persian form. Adjectives meaning 'pre-X', formed by prefixing то تا 'until, up to' to a word X, and suffixing the relative -ī, such as то-синфӣ تاصنفی 'pre-class', are direct caiques on Russian adjectives prefixed with the semantically and phonetically similar до- (in this case, до-класс-овый).