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Inherited from Old Church Slavonic пон҄еже (ponʹježe); cognates include Russian поне́же (ponéže) (archaic and literary).





поне́же (ponéže)

  1. because, since
    Synonym: защо́то (zaštóto)


  • понеже”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014
  • понеже”, in Речник на българския език [Dictionary of the Bulgarian Language] (in Bulgarian), Chitanka, 2010
  • Duridanov, I. V., Racheva, M., Todorov, T. A., editors (1996), “понеже”, in Български етимологичен речник [Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary] (in Bulgarian), volume 5 (падѐж – пỳска), Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Pubg. House, →ISBN, page 515

Old Church Slavonic


Alternative forms




Inherited from Proto-Slavic *poňeže. By surface analysis, понѥ (ponje) +‎ -же (-že).



пон҄еже (ponʹježe)

  1. because, since
  2. as long as, to what extent
  3. therefore, owing to
  4. when


  • Bulgarian: поне́же (ponéže)
  • Pannonian Rusyn: понеже (poneže)
  • Russian: поне́же (ponéže)


  • понеже”, in GORAZD (overall work in Czech, English, and Russian), http://gorazd.org, 2016—2025
  • Mali staroslavensko-hrvatski rječnik, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2004

Pannonian Rusyn




Borrowed from Old Church Slavonic понеже (poneže). Cognates include Carpathian Rusyn, Russian, and Ukrainian поне́же (ponéže).


  • IPA(key): [pɔˈnɛʒɛ]
  • Rhymes: -ɛʒɛ
  • Hyphenation: по‧не‧же



понеже (poneže)

  1. since, because, as
    Synonyms: бо (bo), прето же (preto že)
    • 2024 November 4, Ан. Медєши, “Огньогасци отримали указуюци вежби”, in Руске Слово[1]:
      Окрем популаризациї огньогаства медзи младима, як гварели члени ДОД, циль таких вежбох и же би ше змоцнєйло схопносци огньогасцох и тих хтори ратую, понеже їх реакция часто ключни фактор у ситуацийох борби за живот.
      Okrem popularizaciji ohnʹohastva medzi mladima, jak hvareli členi DOD, cilʹ takix vežbox i že bi še zmocnjejlo sxopnosci ohnʹohascox i tix xtori ratuju, poneže jix reakcija často ključni faktor u situacijox borbi za život.
      In addition to the popularization of firefighting among young people, as DOD members said, the purpose of such exercises is also to strengthen the skills of firefighters and rescuers, as their reaction is often a key factor in life-threatening situations.
    • 2024 November 22, А. Паланчанин, “Национални церень”, in Руске Слово[2]:
      З другого боку, за спомнути штири меншини, локални повелї би требали буц инструмент контроли, инструмент унапредзованя, понеже велї елементи у Локалней повелї нє дефиновани у Европскей.
      Z druhoho boku, za spomnuti štiri menšini, lokalni povelji bi trebali buc instrument kontroli, instrument unapredzovanja, poneže velji elementi u Lokalnej povelji nje definovani u Evropskej.
      On the other hand, for the four mentioned minorities, local charters should be an instrument of control, an instrument of improvement, since many elements of the Local charters are not defined in the European one.
    • 2024 November 17, М. Афич, “Шмели и одлучни починац дацо нове”, in Руске Слово[3]:
      Понеже оцец мал овоцнїки и желєняви, було роботи и за велїх людзох з валалу.
      Poneže ocec mal ovocnjiki i željenjavi, bulo roboti i za veljix ljudzox z valalu.
      Since father had orchards and vegetables, there was also work for many people from the village.
  2. (right/immediately/straight) after (signifies that the action of the clause it starts takes place before the action of the other clause)
    понеже шицко поробели, пошли домуponeže šicko porobeli, pošli domu(immediately) after they had done everything, they went home

Usage notes

  • Can be used at the beginning of a sentence, unlike бо (bo).
  • Sense 1 is significantly more common than sense 2.







Borrowed from Old Church Slavonic пон҄еже (ponʹježe), cognates include Bulgarian поне́же (ponéže).





поне́же (ponéže)

  1. (archaic, literary) inasmuch as, as, since, because
    Synonyms: поско́льку (poskólʹku), потому́ что (potomú što)




  • IPA(key): [pɔˈnɛʒe]
  • Rhymes: -ɛʒe
  • Hyphenation: по‧не‧же



поне́же (ponéže)

  1. (archaic, literary) since, because
    Synonym: оскі́льки (oskílʹky)

Further reading
