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Old Church Slavonic




From Proto-Slavic *klaněti.



покланꙗти (poklanjatiimpf

  1. (reflexive) bow, revere, worship
    • from the Life of Theodosius of Tarnovo:
      покла́нꙗти бо се нака́ꙁовааше доу́бꙋ, и ѿ нѥго исцѣлѥ́нїа прїе́мати. тѣ́мже и мнѡѕи овце иагньце та́мо жрѣ́хꙋ вѣ́роующе та́ковѣи прѣль́сти.
      poklánjati bo se nakázovaaše dúbu, i otŭ njego iscěljénia prijémati. tě́mže i mnodzi ovce iagnĭce támo žrě́xu vě́rujušte tákověi prělĭ́sti.
      Because he taught them to worship an oak tree, from which they could obtain healing. For this reason, they sacrificed many sheep and lambs at this tree, believing in this deceit.

