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Morphologically from омба (omba, other) +‎ -це (-ce, [ordinal forming suffix]).


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омбоце (omboce)

  1. second
    • O. Je. Poljakov (1995) Učimsja govoritʹ po-mokšanski [Let's learn to speak Moksha], Saransk: Mordovskoje knižnoje izdatelʹstvo, →ISBN
      Инголенк ащесть кафта ведаркат. Васенцеса ульсть марьхть, омбоцеса — шукшторуфт
      Ingolenk aščesť kafta vedarkat. Vasencesa ulsť marxť, ombocesa — šukštoruft
      In front of us [there] were two buckets. In the first one [there] were apples, in [the] second one — currant.
  2. next
    • V. I. Ščankina (2011) Russko-mokšansko-erzjanskij slovarʹ [Russian-Moksha-Erzya Dictionary], Saransk, →ISBN
      на следующий день — омбоце шиня
      na sledujuščij deń — omboce šinä
      the next day [in Russian] — the next day



Derived terms


See also



  1. ^ ombə̑ćä in Heikki Paasonen, Mordwinisches Wörterbuch

Further reading
