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Old Church Slavonic




на- (na-) +‎ рещи (rešti)



нарещи (nareštipf

  1. to be called, to name
    • Luke 15:19, from Codex Marianus, 3151900-3151910:
      юже нѣсмъ достоинъ нарещи сѧ с꙯нъ твои · сътвори мѧ ѣко единого отъ наимъникъ твоихъ ·
      juže něsmŭ dostoinŭ narešti sę s:nŭ tvoi · sŭtvori mę jěko edinogo otŭ naimŭnikŭ tvoixŭ ·
      I am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.
  2. to appoint, to proclaim
    • 1581, Ostrog Bible, Isaiah 61.2:
      нарещи лѣто гн҃е бл҃гои҆зволе́но, и҆ дн҃ь възда́нїѧ.
      narešti lěto gn:e bl:goizvoléno, i dn:ĭ vŭzdániję.
      To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God;



