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Old Church Slavonic




From Proto-Slavic *kъňiga.



кън҄игꙑ (kŭnʹigyf pl

  1. (plural only) letters, writing
    Synonym: писмѧ (pismę)
    • from the Life of Good King Wencelaus:
      Навꙑчє жє кънигꙑ словѣньскꙑѩ и латиньскꙑѩ добрѣ.
      Navyče že kŭnigy slověnĭskyję i latinĭskyję dobrě.
      He learned well the Slavonic and Latin letters.
  2. (plural only) book, books
  3. (plural only) scriptures
    • from О писменехь:
      ст҃ыи кꙍстаннти́нъ философъ нарицаемыи ки́рилъ. тъ̏ намь пи́смена створи и҆ книгы прѣложи.
      st:yi kostanntínŭ filosofŭ naricajemyi kírilŭ. tŭ̏ namĭ písmena stvori i knigy prěloži.
      Saint Constantine the Philosopher, called Cyril. He made letters for us and translated the scriptures.




  • Mali staroslavensko-hrvatski rječnik, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2004

Further reading
