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[edit]зво́нку • (zvónku)
- from the outside (from an area that is beyond the scope, limits or borders of a given place)
- Antonym: знутры́ (znutrý)
- 1928 [1928], Arthur Conan Doyle, translated by Кастусь Гарабурда, Глыбіня Маракота, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of The Maracot Deep, page 47:
- Звонку ў ілюмінатары ўліваўся цьмяны туманны сьвет, бы халоднае зьзяньне зімовай раніцы.
- Zvónku ŭ iljuminatary ŭlivaŭsja cʹmjany tumanny sʹvjet, by xalódnaje zʹzjanʹnje zimóvaj ranicy.
- [original: There was a dim, misty light outside which streamed through our porthole, like the cold radiance of a winter morning.]
- A dim, misty light streamed from the outside through our porthole, like the cold radiance of a winter morning.
- outside (in an area that is beyond the scope, limits or borders of a given place)
- 1938 [1883], Robert Louis Stevenson, anonymous translator, Востраў скарбаў, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Treasure Island, page 132:
- Праз хвіліну з нападаючых нікога не асталося, за выключэннем пяці чалавек: чацвёра ляжалі ўнутры частакола і адзін звонку.
- Praz xvilinu z napadajučyx nikóha nje astalósja, za vyključennjem pjaci čalavjek: čacvjóra ljažali ŭnutry častakóla i adzin zvónku.
- [original: In three seconds nothing remained of the attacking party but the five who had fallen, four on the inside, and one on the outside of the palisade.]
- In a minute nothing remained of the attacking party, except for five men: four lying on the inside of the palisade and one outside.
- at a glance, on the surface, on the outside, outwardly (upon cursory examination; while seen at the exterior; seeming to be)
- Synonym: зне́шне (znjéšnje)
- 1926, Maksim Harecki, На імпэрыялістычнай вайне, Minsk: ДВБ, page 13:
- Вось дык навіна!.. Адны маўчалі, задумаліся, другія з выгляду павесялелі, зашумелі. Але ўсё гэта было толькі звонку… А што рабілася ў сэрцы кожнага?
- Vosʹ dyk navina!.. Adny maŭčali, zadumalisja, druhija z vyhljadu pavjesjaljeli, zašumjeli. Alje ŭsjo heta byló tólʹki zvónku… A što rabilasja ŭ sercy kóžnaha?
- What a piece of news!.. Some were silent, deep in thought, while the others seemed to have cheered up and started chattering. But all of this was just on the surface… And what was happening in everyone's heart?
- 1940 [1826], James Fenimore Cooper, anonymous translator, Апошні з магікан, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of The Last of the Mohicans, page 123:
- Захаваўшы звонку спакой, Хейвард адчуваў, як яго сэрца замірала, калі хто-небудзь з індзейцаў падыходзіў да бездапаможных сёстраў або хмура аглядаў кволыя фігуры маладых дзяўчат.
- Zaxavaŭšy zvónku spakój, Xjejvard adčuvaŭ, jak jahó serca zamirala, kali xtó-njebudzʹ z indzjejcaŭ padyxódziŭ da bjezdapamóžnyx sjóstraŭ abó xmura ahljadaŭ kvólyja fihury maladyx dzjaŭčat.
- [original: While, therefore, he sustained an outward appearance of calmness and fortitude, his heart leaped into his throat, whenever any of their fierce captors drew nigher than common to the helpless sisters, or fastened one of their sullen wandering looks on those fragile forms which were so little able to resist the slightest assault.]
- While outwardly sustaining an appearance of calmness, Heyward felt that his heart sank, whenever any of the Indians came closer to the helpless sisters or fastened a sullen look on the fragile forms of the young girls.
[edit]- “звонку”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
- “звонку” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org
[edit]звонку́ • (zvonkú) m inan