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Inherited from Old Ruthenian друковати (drukovati). Compare German drucken, Polish drukować and Ukrainian друкува́ти (drukuváty).


  • IPA(key): [drukaˈvat͡sʲ]
  • Audio:(file)



друкава́ць (drukavácʹimpf (perfective надрукава́ць)

  1. to print (to produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine)
    • 1947 [1911], Jack London, “Смак мяса”, in Мікола Лупсякоў, transl., Смок Белью, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of The Taste of the Meat, pages 5-6:
      Ілюстратары перыядычна адмаўляліся даваць ілюстрацыі, друкары перыядычна адмаўляліся друкаваць, і нават канторшчык неаднаразова адмаўляўся выконваць свае абавязкі.
      Iljustratary pjeryjadyčna admaŭljalisja davacʹ iljustracyi, drukary pjeryjadyčna admaŭljalisja drukavacʹ, i navat kantórščyk njeadnarazóva admaŭljaŭsja vykónvacʹ svaje abavjazki.
      [original: There were the illustrators, who periodically refused to illustrate, the printers, who periodically refused to print, and the office-boy, who frequently refused to officiate.]
      The illustrators periodically refused to provide illustrations, the printers periodically refused to print, and even the clerk refused to perform his duties on more than one occasion.
  2. to print (to publish in a book, newspaper, etc.)
    • 1940 [1865], Jules Verne, anonymous translator, З пушкі на Луну, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of De la Terre à la Lune (in French), page 95:
      Давялося паспешна друкаваць новыя выданні, адно за адным; поспех іх аказаўся проста казачным.
      Davjalósja paspješna drukavacʹ nóvyja vydanni, adnó za adnym; póspjex ix akazaŭsja prósta kazačnym.
      [original: Il fallut imprimer de nouvelles éditions. C’était une fureur.]
      It was necessary to urgently print new editions, one after the other; their success was simply fantastic.
  3. to key in, to type (to put text on paper using a typewriter)
    • 1981, Міхась Кацюшэнка, “На адны суткі”, in Дні, як усе іншыя, Minsk: Мастацкая литаратура, page 4:
      Два пальцы ліхаманкава бегаюць па клавіятуры пішучай машынкі. Колькі ні дапякалі Кастуся на журфаку, ён так і не навучыўся друкаваць прафесійна.
      Dva palʹcy lixamankava bjehajucʹ pa klavijatury pišučaj mašynki. Kólʹki ni dapjakali Kastusja na žurfaku, jon tak i nje navučyŭsja drukavacʹ prafjesijna.
      Two fingers frantically raced across the typewriter keyboard. No matter how much Kastuś was scolded when he used to be a journalism student, he never learned how to type professionally.




  • Zhurawski, A. I., editor (1989), “друковати”, in Гістарычны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), numbers 9 (дорогоценный – жеребей), Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, →ISBN, page 87
  • друкаваць”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
  • друкаваць” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org