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Alternative forms




Inherited from Old Ruthenian досыть (dosytʹ). Compare Polish dosyć and Ukrainian до́сить (dósytʹ).


  • IPA(key): [ˈdosɨt͡sʲ]
  • Audio:(file)



до́сыць (dósycʹ)

  1. enough, sufficiently
    Synonym: дастатко́ва (dastatkóva)
    • 1907, anonymous author, Zabastoŭka, Piecierburh: Wydańnie „Hramady“, page 5:
      Nia dosyć zrabić zabastouku u adnym dware;
      It's not enough to organize a strike in just one yard;
    • 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 295:
      — Хіба тут не досыць высока, любая мая дзяўчынка? — з усмешкай запыталася Эдзіт.
      — Xiba tut nje dósycʹ vysóka, ljubaja maja dzjaŭčynka? — z usmješkaj zapytalasja Edzit.
      [original: "Is this not high enough, dear girl?" asked Edith, smiling.]
  2. fairly, pretty, quite, rather (somewhat, to a certain degree)
    Synonym: даво́лі (davóli)
    • 1934 [1820], Walter Scott, translated by Іван Гарбуз, Айвенго, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Ivanhoe, page 52:
      Пасля чацвертага спаборніцтва зрабілася досыць вялікая пауза: не знаходзілася ахвотнікаў пачынаць бойку.
      Paslja čacvjertaha spabórnictva zrabilasja dósycʹ vjalikaja pauza: nje znaxódzilasja axvótnikaŭ pačynacʹ bójku.
      [original: After this fourth encounter, there was a considerable pause; nor did it appear that any one was very desirous of renewing the encounter.]
      After the fourth competition, there was a rather long pause: no one was very desirous of starting a fight.
    • 1940 [1882], Mark Twain, translated by Janka Maŭr, Прынц і жабрак, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of The Prince and the Pauper, page 192:
      Гадзіны цягнуцца досыць нудна.
      Hadziny cjahnucca dósycʹ nudna.
      [original: The hours drag along, tediously enough.]
      The hours drag along rather tediously.



до́сыць (dósycʹ)

  1. enough!, stop!, quit it!
    • 1940 [1882], Mark Twain, translated by Janka Maŭr, Прынц і жабрак, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of The Prince and the Pauper, page 39:
      Досыць, мілорд. Замаўчы! Тое, што гаворыш ты, — здрада. Ты забыў загад караля! Памятай, што, слухаючы цябе, я раблюся саўдзельнікам твайго злачынства.
      Dósycʹ, milórd. Zamaŭčy! Tóje, što havóryš ty, — zdrada. Ty zabyŭ zahad karalja! Pamjataj, što, sluxajučy cjabje, ja rabljusja saŭdzjelʹnikam tvajhó zlačynstva.
      [original: "Peace, my lord, thou utterest treason! Hast forgot the king's command? Remember I am party to thy crime, if I but listen."]


  • Zhurawski, A. I., editor (1989), “досыть”, in Гістарычны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), numbers 9 (дорогоценный – жеребей), Minsk: Navuka i tekhnika, →ISBN, page 35
  • досыць”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
  • досыць” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org