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ако ще турско да стане

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Literally, "Even if the Turkish [yoke] would be reimposed". The Turkish yoke (1396-1878) is an epitome of odious time, tribulations and atrocious oppression in the Bulgarian-speaking countries.


  • IPA(key): [ɐko ˈʃtɛ ˈtursko dɐ ˈstanɛ]
  • Audio:(file)



ако ще́ ту́рско да ста́не (ako šté túrsko da stáne)

  1. (after negation) indicates extreme obstinacy, reluctance: by no manner of means
    Synonym: за нищо на света (za ništo na sveta)
  2. (affirmative) indicates extreme covetousness, sparing no effort: at all costs
    Synonym: на всяка цена (na vsjaka cena)