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ſkadefroͤjd c

  1. obsolete typography of skadefröjd (schadenfreude)
    • 1819 May 15, Kotzebue, “Kloſtret på Montſerrat, en Legenda [The Cloister on Montserrat, a Legend]”, in Carlscronas wekoblad, number 39, page 2:
      Fadren oͤfwerwann ſina betaͤnkligheter, och foͤljde den orene Andens råd ſom, med ett hånſkratt af ſkadefroͤjd oͤfwer ſin lyckade liſt, ledſagade den ſkoͤna flickan till berget.
      The father overcame his misgivings and followed the advice of the unclean Spirit who, with a mocking laugh of malicious glee over his successful deceit, accompanied the fair maiden to the mountain.


Declension of ſkadefroͤjd
nominative genitive
singular indefinite ſkadefroͤjd ſkadefroͤjds
definite ſkadefroͤjden ſkadefroͤjdens
plural indefinite ſkadefroͤjder ſkadefroͤjders
definite ſkadefroͤjderna ſkadefroͤjdernas