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From ģermānis (Germanic (man)) +‎ -isks.


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ģermānisks (definite ģermāniskais, comparative ģermāniskāks, superlative visģermāniskākais, adverb ģermāniski)

  1. Germanic (relating to the ancient Germanic peoples and their culture; relating to Germanic languages, or to present-day Germanic cultures and peoples)
    kaut kas ģermāniskssomething Germanic
    saktas zvēru stila rotājums ir ģermānisksthe broch animal style decoration is germanic
    Klaipēda attīstījās kā ģermāniska pilsētaKlaipėda developed as a Germanic city
    administrācija tur bija ģermāniskathe administration there was Germanic

Usage notes


English “Germanic” as an attributive adjective usually corresponds in Latvian to ģermāņu, the genitive plural form of ģermānis. The adjective ģermānisks is commonly used as a predicate (“this is Germanic”), or in its adverbial form ģermāniski.

