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Old Tupi




Inherited from Proto-Tupi-Guarani *jar, from Proto-Tupian *iwat.[1]

Cognate with Mbyá Guaraní ja and Paraguayan Guaraní jára.


  • IPA(key): [ˈja.ɾa], [ˈʒa.ɾa]
  • Rhymes: -aɾa
  • Hyphenation: îa‧ra



îara (possessable)

  1. lord; lady (ruler, one having mastery over others)
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, “Ave Maria”, in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [Catechism in the Brazilian Language], Livro Primeiro da Doctrina Christam (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 14:
      Ndeirũnámo yande jàra recou.
      [Nde irũnamo Îandé Îara rekóû.]
      Our Lord is with thee.
  2. possessor; owner; holder; bearer
  3. (hapax) thing possessed, owned
    • 1614, Claude d'Abbeville, quoting Itapucu, “HARANGVE FAICTE au Roy en preſence de la Reyne Regente ſa Mere par Itapoucou du depuis nommé Louys Marie au nom des Maragnans”, in Hiſtoire de la Miſsion des Peres Capucins en L’Iſle de Maragnan et terres circonuoiſines [History of the Mission of the Capuchin Fathers in the Island of Maranhão and surrounding lands] (overall work in French), Paris: Imprimerie de François Huby, page 341v:
      Chépoutoupaue nerébouiroußou reßé nerepiac apouyäue opap catou nereminboée ſecoremé Euhouyh tourouſſou vaé neiare ſecoremé.
      [Xe putupab ne reburusu resé, ne repîaka, apŷaba opakatu ne remimbo'e[ramo] sekóreme, yby turusuba'e ne îara[mo] sekóreme.]
      I am admired by your greatness, seeing you, for all men being your subjects, [and] for the land, which is large, being yours.

Derived terms



  • Nheengatu: yara


  1. ^ Beatriz Carretta Corrêa da Silva (2010) Mawé/Awetí/Tupí-Guaraní: relações linguísticas e implicações históricas[1] (in Portuguese), Brasília: UnB

Further reading
