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» »

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» U+00BB, »
Latin-1 Supplement ¼



Punctuation mark


» »

  1. May be used to enclose a quotation in Finnish and Swedish, in place of the more usual ” ”.

See also



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Wikipedia sv

Alternative forms


Punctuation mark


» »

  1. May be used to enclose a quotation, in place of the more usual ” ”.
    • 1914, Selma Lagerlöf, Kejsarn av Portugallien, page 7:
      »Jag undrar just om nån tänker, att jag är glad åt å ta emot det här barnet,» mumlade han, där han satt, och med detsamma sparkade han till en liten vedpinne, så att den flög ända ut på gården.
      "I wonder if anyone thinks that I’m happy to take in this child," he muttered as he sat there, and at the same time, he kicked a small stick of firewood so that it flew all the way out into the yard.
    • 2007, Henrik Fexeus, Konsten att läsa tankar, page 23:
      I vanlig svenska brukas ordet »rapport» lite annorlunda än hur vi använder det i det här sammanhanget.
      In ordinary Swedish, the word "rapport" is used slightly differently than how we use it in this context.
    • 2011, Roger Petersson, Klas Reinholdsson, Personuppgiftslagen i praktiken, 4th edition, page 64:
      Den analoga upptagningen av en människas utseende och röst kan ske »automatiserat» i den meningen att upptagningen påbörjas och avslutas utan att någon människa är direkt inblandad eller närvarande.
      The analogue recording of a person's appearance and voice can be "automated" in the sense that the recording starts and ends without any human being directly involved or present.

Usage notes

  • Can be produced with Alt code Alt+175 on a Windows system.
  • Known as gåsögon (literally goose eyes) and vinkelcitattecken (literally angle quotation mark).
  • The ” ” quotation marks are most commonly used in professional and institutional texts. The » » and, alternatively, » « quotation marks can be considered traditionally fancy. The " " quotation marks are the easiest to type on a Swedish standard keyboard layout and are therefore often used in texts where typography is less of a concern.