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From ziarno +‎ -isty.


  • IPA(key): /ʑarˈɲis.tɘ/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -istɘ
  • Syllabification: ziar‧nis‧ty



ziarnisty (comparative bardziej ziarnisty, superlative najbardziej ziarnisty, no derived adverb)

  1. (relational) grain (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops)
    chleb ziarnistygrain bread
    ziarniste pieczywograin bread
    bułki ziarnistegrain rolls
  2. (relational) bean, corn, grain, seed (edible seeds of certain crops other than cereals)
    pieprz ziarnistypeppercorns
    kawa ziarnistacoffeebeans
  3. (relational) grain (single particle of a substance)
    ziarnisty proszekgranular powder
    ziarnista strukturagranular texture
    twarożek ziarnistycottage cheese
  4. (photography, relational) grain (visual texture in processed photographic film due to the presence of small particles of a metallic silver, or dye clouds, developed from silver halide that have received enough photons)
    ziarnisty filmgrainy film
    ziarniste tłograiny background
    ziarniste zdjęciagrainy images
  5. (literary) grainy, granular, granulous, seedy (consisting of, or resembling, grains)
    Synonyms: kaszkowaty, kaszowaty, krupiasty



Derived terms


Further reading

  • ziarnisty in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • ziarnisty in Polish dictionaries at PWN