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See also: ziņkārībā





From ziņkārs (curious) +‎ -ība (with ziņkārs from ziņu (knowledge, news [gen.]) +‎ kārs (ravenous, eager).


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ziņkārība f (4th declension)

  1. curiosity (the quality of one who is curious, who wants to know, to learn)
    sievišķīga ziņkārībafeminine curiosity
    apmierināt ziņkārībuto satisfy (one's) curiosity
    ziņkārībā ieplestas aciseyes wide open (with) curiosity
    daudz ko es biju novērojis pats, bet mans galvenais informācijas avots bija un palika Žanete, kas visus notikumus vēroja kā filmu un, ziņkārībā drebot, gaidīja atrisinājumuI witnessed much myself, but my main source of information was and remained Žanete, who watched all events as if (it was all) a movie and, trembling with (lit. in) curiosity, waited for a solution



