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From zemisks (base, mean, vile) +‎ -ums.


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zemiskums m (1st declension)

  1. vileness, baseness, meanness (the quality or state of that which is vile, base, mean, lowly)
    cilvēkiem jākļūst drošiem un cildenime; tie jāatbrivo no skaudības, zemiskuma, mantkārībaspeople should be brave and sublime; they should be freed from envy, meanness and greed
    ir cilvēki, kurus ļaunums, zemiskums vairāk aizvaino nekā šķēpsthere are people whose evil (character) and vileness wounds more than darts
    kalni bija kā teiku varoņi, kas nekļūst mazi arī tad, kad apkārt zemiskums dara savus sīkos, necienīgos darbusthe mountains were like legend heroes who do not become small even when all around them vileness does its petty, base work


Declension of zemiskums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative zemiskums
genitive zemiskuma
dative zemiskumam
accusative zemiskumu
instrumental zemiskumu
locative zemiskumā
vocative zemiskum