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Compound of zebra (zebra) +‎ pad (path). The choice of the element zebra was influenced by English zebra crossing.


  • IPA(key): /ˈzeː.braːˌpɑt/
  • Audio:(file)
  • Hyphenation: ze‧bra‧pad



zebrapad n (plural zebrapaden, diminutive zebrapaadje n)

  1. a zebra crossing, a crosswalk (place where pedestrians can cross a street) [from 1951]
    Synonym: zebra
    • 1951 August 17, “Witte verf op het Leidseplein”, in De Telegraaf, volume 54, number 19909, page 1:
      Honderden hoofdstedelingen en vreemdelingen zullen op de spitsuren van deze „zebra”-paden gebruik maken om een veilig „overkomen” te zoeken.
      Hundreds of inhabitants of the capital and foreigners will use these “zebra” crossings at peak hours in order to find a safe way to “cross”.