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y- (3rd person object prefix) + -di- (fire) + ∅- (3rd person subject prefix) + -ł- (classifier, causative)-yį́į́h (imperfective stem of root -YĮ́Į́ʼ, “to melt”).



yidiłhį́į́h (transitive)

  1. he/she is melting it, using a high level of heat

Usage notes


This verb refers to a melting process that requires heat not found in a normal ambient temperature, such as the melting of iron or glass. The melting of ice or snow is described by the verb yiłhį́į́h. The verb used for easy melted solids like wax and butter depends on the speaker.



Paradigm: Momentaneous (∅/yi).

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person dishhį́į́h diilyį́į́h dadiilyį́į́h
2nd person díłhį́į́h dołhį́į́h dadołhį́į́h
3rd person yidiłhį́į́h deidiłhį́į́h
4th person jidiłhį́į́h dazhdiłhį́į́h

Verbal stems

  • IMPERFECTIVE: -yį́į́h
  • PERFECTIVE: -yį́į́ʼ
  • FUTURE: -yįh
  • ITERATIVE: -yįh
  • OPTATIVE: -yį́į́h

See also
