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y- (3rd person object prefix) + -ó- (“directed at”, combining form of yíní- in the 3rd person) + -ł- (classifier)-taʼ (imperfective stem of root -TAʼ, “to count, to read”)




  1. he/she is reading it
    Áłchíní naaltsoos nihá dayółtaʼ.The children are reading the books for us.
  2. he/she is counting it



Paradigm: Repetitive (∅/yi).

imperfective singular duoplural plural
1st person yíníshtaʼ yíníiltaʼ deíníiltaʼ
2nd person yíníłtaʼ yínółtaʼ deínółtaʼ
3rd person yółtaʼ dayółtaʼ
4th person jółtaʼ dajółtaʼ
perfective singular duoplural plural
1st person yíłtaʼ yíiltaʼ dayíiltaʼ
2nd person yíníłtaʼ wóołtaʼ dawóołtaʼ
3rd person yiyííłtaʼ dayííłtaʼ
4th person jííłtaʼ dajííłtaʼ
optative singular duoplural plural
1st person yínóshtaʼ wóoltaʼ dawóoltaʼ
2nd person yínóółtaʼ wóołtaʼ dawóołtaʼ
3rd person yóltaʼ dayółtaʼ
4th person jółtaʼ dajółtaʼ