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wenn das der Führer wüsste

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Literally, if the Fuhrer knew of that! The phrase is mostly associated with the belief, held by some Germans during the Third Reich, that Hitler did not condone violent excesses against Jews and other enemies of the regime, or even that he opposed some of the NSDAP's measures. However, it may have been used in other contexts as well. It may also have been chiefly sarcastic; compare English if only the tsar knew.


  • IPA(key): /vɛn ˈdas dɛɐ̯ ˈfyːʁɐ ˈvʏstə/



wenn das der Führer wüsste

  1. (now generally humorous, potentially offensive) said about something of which Adolf Hitler would have disapproved or which he would have put an end to (in the speaker's reckoning)
    Allgemeines Tempolimit auf der Autobahn? Wenn das der Führer wüsste!
    A general speed limit on the autobahn? If the Fuhrer knew of that!