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Norwegian Nynorsk


Alternative forms

  • tyte (e and split infinitives)



From Old Norse þjóta (to sound, rush) and heavily influenced by German.



tyta (present tense tyt, past tense taut, supine tote, past participle toten, present participle tytande, imperative tyt)

  1. (intransitive) to filter, ooze, seep, leak, trickle
  2. to emit a sound
    1. (intransitive) to cry, howl
    2. (intransitive) to nag, whine
    3. (intransitive) to murmur
    4. (of birds) to cackle
    5. (of insects) to hum, zoom
  3. (intransitive) to protrude



tyta (present tense tyter, past tense tytte, past participle tytt, passive infinitive tytast, present participle tytande, imperative tyt)

  1. (intransitive) to filter, ooze, seep, leak, trickle
  2. (intransitive) to protrude



tyta f

  1. definite singular of tyte

