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traffico d'influenze

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Alternative forms




Literally, traffic of influences. Compare French trafic d’influence.



traffico d'influenze m (plural traffici d'influenze)

  1. (crime) traffic of influence, trading in influence, influence peddling (crime of exploiting one's influence over a public official to obtain unfair advantages or favorable decisions, typically in exchange for money or other benefits)
    • 2024 July 24, Giuseppe Pipitone, “Giustizia, il report Ue stronca l’Italia: “La riforma Nordio danneggia le indagini su corruzione. Col bavaglio effetto intimidatorio sui cronisti” [Justice, the EU report crushes Italy: "The Nordio reform damages investigations of corruption. With the gag orders, chilling effect on reporters"]”, in il Fatto Quotidiano[1]:
      “In Italia, una nuova legge che abroga il reato di abuso d’ufficio e limita la portata del reato di traffico d’influenze potrebbe avere implicazioni per l’individuazione e l’investigazione di frodi e corruzione", si legge nel rapporto.
      "In Italy, a new law that abrogates the offense of abuse of office and limits the scope of the offense of trading in influence could have implications on the identification and investigation of fraud and corruption", the report reads.