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Old Spanish


Alternative forms




From Latin torrentem, singular accusative of torrēns (rushing stream).





torriente f (plural torrientes)

  1. stream, brook
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 38v:
      E dixo acab a abdias ue ala tr̃a por las fontanas todas de las tr̃as ⁊ por las torriẽtes quiçab trobaremos yerba ont biuan los cauallos elas mulas e nõ p̃damos las beſtias.
      And Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go into the land to every fountain throughout the land and to the brooks. Perhaps we will find grass on which the horses and mules can live, that we may not lose the beasts.”
  2. streambed
    • c. 1200, Almerich, Fazienda de Ultramar, f. 42v:
      ca aſſi diz el criador. fazed en eſta torriente muchos pozos enõ ueredes pluuia nj uiẽto en conplir ſea eſta torriente de agua. beuredes uos e ur̃as beſtias lief coſa es eſta delant el c̃ador []
      “For thus says the Creator, ‘Make in this streambed many ditches. And you will see neither rain nor wind, but this streambed will be filled with water. You and your beasts will drink. This is a light thing before the Creator [] .’”


  • Spanish: torrente