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See also: tomgång





tom (empty) +‎ gang (going, walk)




  1. idling (of a motor); the act of keeping an engine running without actually moving
  2. (figuratively) being active without achieving anything
    • 2007, Jorgen Schionning, Slangetæmmeren, ISD LLC, →ISBN:
      Jeg er endt i en meditativ tilstand, hvor min hjerne går i tomgang og renses, og min krop ikke føles.
      I have ended up in a meditative state, where my brain runs emptily and is cleansed, and my body is not felt.
    • 2005, Manual til skrivekunsten, Gyldendal A/S, →ISBN:
      Herefter går samtalen i tomgang, indtil han endelig tager fat om nælden.
      After this, the conversation idles, until he finally grabs the nettle.