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that's it, send tweet

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary





From an allusion to the act of publishing an impulsive post (tweet) on the social media platform Twitter.



that's it, send tweet

  1. (Internet slang) Underscores a punchy quip or random thought.
    • 2020 July 11, josie, darth cupcake (@belliphant1), Twitter[1]:
      Being lonely is stupid. That's it. Send tweet.
    • 2024 March 26, @pastraspec, Twitter[2]:
      Sephiroth is the coolest villain ever that's it send tweet
    • 2025, Tanya Janca, Alice and Bob Learn Secure Coding[3], unnumbered page:
      As I write this, we are still in a prequantum computing world. Once quantum computing is a reality, it may become possible to reverse hashed values. No one knows for sure that this will happen or, if it does, when it will happen. That's it. Send tweet.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:that's it, send tweet.