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From telefons (telephone) +‎ -isks.


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telefonisks (definite telefoniskais, comparative telefoniskāks, superlative vistelefoniskākais, adverb telefoniski)

  1. telephonic (relating to telephony)
    nenoliedzams poliklīnikas personāla ieguvums ir jaunā iekšējo telefonisko sakaru sistēmathe new interanal telephonic communication (lit. connection) system is an undeniable gain (for) the clinic staff
  2. telephonic (transmitted via telephonic communication)
    telefoniska sarunatelephonic conversation
    pirms dienām septiņām Lidija Bērza saņēma telefonisku ziņu, ka “vīram ar veselību patlaban nav diez cik labi”about seven days before Lidija Bērza received the telephonic news that “(her) husband's health was not doing very well”

