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See also: tautietē





From tauta (people, nation) +‎ -iete, or tautietis (countryman) +‎ -e ([fem.]).


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tautiete f (5th declension, masculine form: tautietis)

  1. a (female) compatriot, a countrywoman (a woman with the same ethnicity or nationality as the speaker)
    afgānu sievietes protestē pret tautietes publisku nolinčošanuAfghan women protest against the public lynching of their countrywomen
  2. (in folk texts) a young woman from another region or from another family or group of families


Declension of tautiete (5th declension)
singular plural
nominative tautiete tautietes
genitive tautietes tautiešu
dative tautietei tautietēm
accusative tautieti tautietes
instrumental tautieti tautietēm
locative tautietē tautietēs
vocative tautiete tautietes