[edit]Via other European languages, ultimately borrowed from Latin talentum (“weight, monetary unit”), itself a borrowing from Ancient Greek τάλαντον (tálanton, “weight, monetary unit”). The “gift” meaning is probably a metaphor, based on the "money" meaning (“rich” → “gifted”).
[edit]talants m (1st declension)
- talent (special physical or mental skill for a certain area of activity, especially when inborn)
- rakstnieka, komponista talants ― writer's, composer's talent
- pedagoga talants ― teacher's talent
- aktiera talants ― actor's talent
- attīstīt talantu ― to develop (one's) talent
- viņam ir talants mūzikā ― he has talent for (lit. in) music
- uz skatuves ir parādījušies daudzi apdāvināti, bet talantā uzplaukuši tikai tie, kam pieticis spēka un gribas savu talantu kopt ― on the stage many gifted (people) have shown themselves, but only those thrived into talent who had enough strength and will to cultivate their (inborn) talent
- viena no svarīgākajām talanta pazīmēm ir spēja saskatīt sabiedrībai svarīgāko, mākslinieciski nozīmīgāko ― one of the most important signs of talent is the capacity to see what is important, what is artistically significant in society
- mākslinieka talants parādās jau tēlojamo parādību izlāsē ― the artistic talent shows itself already in the selection of phenomena to portray
- talent (capacity, skill for something specific)
- Ingunas skatiens ziņkārīgi pārslīdēja viešņām, pētīdams, kura no šīm meitenēm varētu būt apveltīta ar mājasmātes talantu ― Inguna's look curiously went over the (female) guests, trying to find out which of these girls could be endowed with a hostess' talent
- viņam bija viens talants: katram pretimnācējam no sirds kaut ko apsolīt un pēc pāris soļiem to totāli aizmirst ― he had only one talent: to promise something from his heart to every person he met, and after a few steps to forget it completely
- talent (a person who has a special skill or capacity, a gifted person)
- aug jauni talanti ― new talents are growing
- puķēm smaržu un krāsu nevar aprakstīt; tāpat arī Bertu Rūmnieci, šo unikālo talantu, nevar aprakstīt vai, vēl vairāk, izstāstīt ― one cannot describe the color or smell of a flower; likewise, one cannot describe, or, more importantly, narrate Berta Rūmniece, this unique talent
- (Ancient Greece) talent (ancient measure of weight, approximately 25 kilograms; ancient currency in Ancient Greece)
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | talants | talanti |
genitive | talanta | talantu |
dative | talantam | talantiem |
accusative | talantu | talantus |
instrumental | talantu | talantiem |
locative | talantā | talantos |
vocative | talant | talanti |