[edit]From svešs (“unknown, foreign, strange”) + -ums.
[edit]svešums m (1st declension)
- foreign land, country (a land or country other than one's homeland)
- man gribējas pastāstīt par krievu meiteni, kuru liktenis ilgu klejojumu gados aizvedis svešumā ― I wanted to tell (you) about a Russian girl whose fate took her to foreign lands for long years of wandering
- ceļot ir labi... arī tādēļ, ka, no svešuma kalna raugoties, dzimtā mala ir daudz mīļāka ― to travel is good... also because, looking from the hill(s) of a foreign land, the native country is (= looks) much sweeter
- bēgļi iet nesteigdamies, jo dzimteni zaudējušiem, tāpat kā mirušiem, nav kur steigties: vienus gaida svešums, otrus kapu smiltis ― refugees go without hurrying, because, having lost their homeland, they, like dead people, have nowhere to hurry: foreign lands await some (of them), the sands of a grave (await) others
- strangeness, foreignness, distance (the quality of that which is strange, foreign, distant)
- apkaimes svešums ― the foreignness of a neighborhood
- visur bažīgi pretī raudzījās sveši cilvēki, saņēma nelaipni, izskatījās paši savu rūpju nomākti... zēna piedzīvojumu kāre bija ātri izsīkusi, redzot, ka svešums visur apmēram vienāds ― everywhere strangers looked anxiously around, were unkind, looked worried about their own problems... the boy's thirst for (new) experiences had quickly been exhausted, seeing (= when he saw) that the foreignness was everywhere about the same
- viņu savstarpējās attiecībās beidzamajā laikā bija ieviesusies kaut kāda neuzticība, svešums ― lately, in their mutual relations, a certain distrust, (a) strangeness (= distance) had crept in
- tā svešums strap laulātajiem ar katru dienu auga lielāks... Valentīna bija kļuvusi pavisam apātiska ― so, the foreignness (= distance) between the married couple grew every day bigger... Valentīna had become completely apathetic
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | svešums | — |
genitive | svešuma | — |
dative | svešumam | — |
accusative | svešumu | — |
instrumental | svešumu | — |
locative | svešumā | — |
vocative | svešum | — |
[edit]- (of "foreign land"): svešatne