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See also: surarà





    Inherited from Old Tupi surara, borrowed from Portuguese soldado, from Old Galician-Portuguese soldado.





    surara (plural surara-itá)

    1. (military) soldier (member of an army)
      • 2015, Hermes Domingos Plácido, “Tatá yupirungásá [The origin of fire]”, in Maria Sílvia Cintra Martins, editor, Leetra Indígena, volume 1, number 17, São Carlos: UFSCar, →ISSN, page 77; text written in São Gabriel da Cachoeira:
        Kua suraraitá ti puramga kuiri kuri yasu yamukau aintá, mairamem kuri takau wam, resikai kuri repurakai ainta saco upé.
        These soldiers aren't good, let's make them drunk; when they are drunk, try putting them in the sack.
      • 2021, Bíblia Baré, Buia Igarapé, Alto Rio Negro Indigenous Territory: Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil, translation of New Testament, 2 Timuteu 2:3:
        Repurara inde yuiri seirumu kuaye Kristu Jesus surara purangawaa yawe.
        You thus also suffer with me as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

    Derived terms



    • Marcel Twardowsky Avila (2021) “surara”, in Proposta de dicionário nheengatu-português [Nheengatu–Portuguese dictionary proposal] (in Portuguese), São Paulo: USP, →DOI, page 721

    Old Tupi




      Borrowed from Portuguese soldado, from Old Galician-Portuguese soldado.



      surara (?) (Língua Geral Amazônica)

      1. (military) soldier (member of an army)
        • a. 1759, anonymous author, Narração que faz um sertanejo a um seu amigo de uma viagem que fez pelo sertão; republished as Eduardo de Almeida Navarro, “Um texto anônimo, em língua geral amazônica, do século XVIII”, in Revista USP, number 90, São Paulo, 2011 August, →DOI, page 186:
          Sargento, Soraretà abé / Fumo xe çüí oieruré; / Aé: cosinha pupé oicò, / Icatù ixüí peraçò. / Opabenhè opocàpocá, / Ogoeraçó petýmãtã / Oiepé nhó xe möeté, / Oimëeng ixébo piráẽm.
          [Sargento, suraretá abé fumo xe suí oîeruré; a'é: “cozinha pupé oîkó, i katu i xuí perasó.”. Opabenhẽ opukapuká, ogûerasó petymatã oîepé nhõ xe moeté, oîme'eng ixébo pira'ẽ.]
          The sergeant and the soldiers asked for smoke; I said: “it's in the kitchen, it's good, take it”. They all laughed a lot, they took hard tobacco. Only one [of them] thanked me: he gave me a salted fish.


      • Nheengatu: surara


      • Anton Meisterburg (a. 1756) “Soldado”, in [Dicionário de Trier] (overall work in Portuguese and Old Tupi), Baixo Xingu, Pará, page 39, column 1, line 37; republished as Jean-Claude Muller et al., editors, Dicionário de língua geral amazônica, Potsdam: University of Potsdam, 2019, →DOI, page 247:sorára
      • anonymous author (c. 1757) “SOLDADO”, in [Vocabulario Portuguez–Brasilico] (overall work in Portuguese); republished as Ernesto Ferreira França, compiler, Chrestomathia da lingua brazilica, Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1859, page 290:çurara