[edit]strzodowisko n
- environment
- 2018 – 2022 May 18, Józef Porwoł, quoting Krzysztof Szweda, “Akcyjo Czysto Ôdra”, in[1], Kotórz Mały, Poland: Silesia Progress:
- „Regijōnalizm, to je dbani ô tradycyjo, erbowizna historyczno, abo swōj jynzyk, ale tyż starani ô strzodowisko i landszaft naszego Hajmatu, coby my mōgli sie nim radować jak najdlōżyj, a tyż, coby mōgli my we jak najlepszym sztandzie przekozać to naszym bajtlōm”
- "Regionalism is the act of cherishing tradition, historical inheritance, or even our language, but also the act of caring for the environment and landscape in our homeland so that we may enjoy them for as long as possible, but furthermore so that we can leave them in the very best state to pass down to our children"
- (ecology) habitat