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stringere i denti

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Literally, to tighten the teeth.



strìngere i denti (first-person singular present strìngo i denti, first-person singular past historic strìnsi i denti, past participle strétto i denti, auxiliary avére)

  1. (idiomatic, intransitive) to grit one's teeth
    • 2019, George Orwell, translated by Nicola Gardini, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Mondadori:
      L'aria penetrava a forza nei polmoni ed erompeva in profondi gemiti che, neppure stringendo i denti, lui riusciva a trattenere.
      The air tore into his lungs and issued again in deep groans which even by clenching his teeth he could not stop.
      (literally, “The air penetrated his lungs forcefully and erupted in deep groans that he was not able to hold back, even if he grit his teeth.”)