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From straujš (fast, quick, rapid) +‎ -ums.



straujums m (1st declension)

  1. (chiefly in the singular) quickness, rapidity, speed
    skrējiena straujumsquickness, rapidity of the race
    zemgaļu zirgi bija jau aizguruši, uzbrukumam pietrūka straujumathe Zemgalian horses were already tired, the attack lacked quickness, speed
  2. (also plural) rapids (area in a river or stream with turbulent, swift water motion)
    foreles tusēja tikai straujumos, kur kāda pārgāze pār koku sanesumiem vai akmeņiemtrouts hang out only in the rapids, where (there is) some overflow over wood deposits or stones
  3. short, hot temper, impatience, passion, desire to react
    visgrūtāk bija iemācīt jaunajiem pagrīdes biedriem pacietību; savā straujumā tie nerēķinājās ar briesmāmthe most difficult was to teach the new underground members (some) patience; in their impatience they did not take danger into account


Declension of straujums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative straujums straujumi
genitive straujuma straujumu
dative straujumam straujumiem
accusative straujumu straujumus
instrumental straujumu straujumiem
locative straujumā straujumos
vocative straujum straujumi

