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stoppa om

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stoppa (stuff) +‎ om (about, around)



stoppa om (present stoppar om, preterite stoppade om, supine stoppat om, imperative stoppa om)

  1. to tuck in (in bed, usually a child)
    Hon stoppade om henne
    She tucked her in


Conjugation of stoppa (weak)
active passive
infinitive stoppa om stoppas om
supine stoppat om stoppats om
imperative stoppa om
imper. plural1 stoppen om
present past present past
indicative stoppar om stoppade om stoppas om stoppades om
ind. plural1 stoppa om stoppade om stoppas om stoppades om
subjunctive2 stoppe om stoppade om stoppes om stoppades om
present participle omstoppande
past participle omstoppad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

See also


