[edit]From spriest (past stem: spried-) (“to judge”) + -ums.
[edit]spriedums m (1st declension)
- judgment, opinion (thought or idea expressed as an affirmative or negative statement)
- pareizs, nepareizs spriedums ― correct, incorrect judgment, opinion
- pamatots spriedums ― an informed judgment, opinion
- vienpusīgs spriedums ― a one-sided judgment, opinion
- pārsteidzīgs spriedums ― hasty judgment
- pāragrs spriedums ― premature judgment
- pretrunīgi spriedumi ― contradictory judgments, opinions
- izteikt savu spriedumu ― to express one's judgment, opinion
- būt apdomīgam savos spriedumos ― to be prudent in one's judgments, opinions
- kas ir jūsu spriedums par izstādi? ― what is your opinion of the exhibition?
- mana māte lepojas, ka man jau kopš vidusskolas laikiem esot savi patstāvīgi spriedumi ― my mother is proud of the fact that I always had my own opinions sice highschool
- (law) verdict, sentence (official decision of a court of law with respect to a civil or criminal case, according to its merits)
- tiesas spriedums ― (court) verdict
- attaisnojošs spriedums ― acquittal (lit. acquitting verdict)
- notiesājošs spriedums ― conviction (lit. condemning verdict)
- sprieduma apturēšana ― sentence suspension
- taisīt spriedumu ― to give a verdict, sentence
- pārsūdzēt spriedumu ― to appeal a verdict
- izpildīt spriedumu ― to carry out the verdict, sentence
- parakstīt nāves spriedumu ― to sign a death sentence
- kad tiesnesis pasludināja bargu spriedumu, publika aplaudēja ― when the judge gave a harsh sentence, the audience applauded
- (logic) judgment (a type of thinking which expresses in affirmative or negative form objects and their characteristics with respect to each other)
- sprieduma priekšmets ― the object of judgment
- sprieduma subjekts, predikāts ― the subject, the predicate of judgment
- vispārējs spriedums ― general judgment
- daļējs spriedums ― partial judgment
- hipotētisks spriedums ― hypothetical judgment
- paradokss ir pārsteidzošs divu spriedumu savienojums, kurā no formāli loģiskā viedokļa viens spriedums otru izslēdz, taču reāli abi ir vienlīdz iespējami ― a paradox is a surprising union of two judgments in which, from a formally logical viewpoint, one judgment excludes the other, but in reality both are equally possible
[edit]singular | plural | |
nominative | spriedums | spriedumi |
genitive | sprieduma | spriedumu |
dative | spriedumam | spriedumiem |
accusative | spriedumu | spriedumus |
instrumental | spriedumu | spriedumiem |
locative | spriedumā | spriedumos |
vocative | spriedum | spriedumi |