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Cognate with Danish skøje, from Dutch schooien, used in Swedish since 1766



skoja (present skojar, preterite skojade, supine skojat, imperative skoja)

  1. (obsolete) to travel around in freedom without a plan or profession, to run around in a playful manner, to fool around
    Ziguenarfolket [...] skoja kring landet
    Gypsies go all around the country
  2. to joke, to play jokes, to prank
    morfar skojar med barnen
    grandpa is playing jokes with the kids
    Jag skojade bara
    I was only joking
  3. (by ironic extension) to fool (somebody); to cheat, to swindle, to betray


Conjugation of skoja (weak)
active passive
infinitive skoja
supine skojat
imperative skoja
imper. plural1 skojen
present past present past
indicative skojar skojade
ind. plural1 skoja skojade
subjunctive2 skoje skojade
present participle skojande
past participle

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


See also




