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Borrowed from Danish skikke (to send) from Proto-Germanic *skikkijaną.




  1. to make someone do something, to order someone to do something (with the order coming from an authority figure such as a parent or the state)
    Synonyms: láta, skipa, skylda, neyða
    Hann var skikkaður í meðferð.They made him go to rehab.
    Hann var skikkaður til að hjálpa til við eldamennskuna.They made him help with the cooking.
    Hún var skikkuð með dómsúrskurði til að snúa aftur til Danmerkur.The court ordered her to return to Denmark.
  2. (archaic) to send; to deliver; to hand over

Usage notes


The first meaning is used with either til or í, "skikka til einhvers" or "skikka í eitthvað".
