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A sintir being played by Nuru Kane



Borrowed from Arabic سِنْتِير (sintīr).


  • Hyphenation: sin‧tir



sintir (plural sintirs)

  1. (music) A three-stringed, skin-covered bass plucked lute used by the Gnawa people of Morocco.
    Synonym: guembri
    Hypernym: lute
    Coordinate terms: lotar, oud
    • 2007 January 12, The New York Times, “Rock/Pop Listings”, in New York Times[1]:
      Playing the sintir (a long-necked, resonant lute), Mr. Hakmoun leads spellbinding trance ceremonies, and with castanets around his ankles, performs acrobatic dances.

Further reading






Alternative forms




Inherited from Old Spanish sentir (to feel), from Latin sentīre.



sintir (Hebrew spelling סינטיר)[1]

  1. (transitive) to feel; to sense
    • 2009, ירון בן־נאה, תורכיה[2], משרד החינוך, המזכירות הפדגוגית, המרכז לשילוב מורשת יהדות המזרח, page 190:
      “Sera komo un arvol plantado serka de la agua ke sus raizes estan asta el rio, raizes munças, no syente kalor, sus ojas kedan syempre freskas, no sufre en el anyo de sekura, i nunka keda de dar su fruto”.
      ‘It shall be like a tree planted near water [in] that its roots, many roots, stretch to the river; it feels no heat, its always keeps it leaves fresh, not suffering in the year of drought, and it never ceases to give fruit.’
  2. (ambitransitive) to hear
    Synonym: oír
    Kuando era chika en kaza sintia maz mucho.
    When I was a little girl, I used to hear [Ladino] much more at home.
  3. (reflexive) to feel (think, believe, or have an impression concerning)
    • 2020 January 29, Metin Delevi, “El 27 de Enero es el dia de memoria de las viktimas del Nazismo, del Olokosto…”, in Şalom[3]:
      Ija de imigrantes djudios rusos ke aviyan sufriyido del aborresimyento i del antisemitizmo, se sintyo ke el aktivizmo sovre este sujeto era su dever.
      The daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants who had suffered from hatred and from antisemitism, she felt that activism on this subject was her duty.




  1. ^ sintir”, in Trezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola.