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From sekls (shallow) +‎ -ums.



seklums m (1st declension)

  1. shallowness, shallow place (in a river, lake, etc.)
    upes seklumsa river's shallowness, shallow place
    dīķa seklumsa pond's shallowness, shallow place
    piekrastes seklumscoastal shallowness, shallow place
    sekluma vilnisshallow wave (= one coming from a shallow place)
    viņa panāca vairāk seklumā, kur rokām varēja aiztikt dibenushe came over to the shallow place, where she could touch the bottom with her hands
  2. (of breath, breathing) shallowness (quality of not involving much air)
    ieelpas seklumsshallowness of breath
  3. shallowness (the quality of being without deeper content, feelings, of missing the essence of something)
    interešu seklumsshallowness of interests
    dzīves apnikums un seklumslife's tedium and shallowness
    viņa bija laipna tik ilgi, kamēr attiecības palika paviršas pazīšanās seklumāshe was kind, as long as the relationship remained superficial, in the shallowness of familiarity


Declension of seklums (1st declension)
singular plural
nominative seklums seklumi
genitive sekluma seklumu
dative seklumam seklumiem
accusative seklumu seklumus
instrumental seklumu seklumiem
locative seklumā seklumos
vocative seklum seklumi



