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sätta in

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sätta in (present sätter in, preterite satte in, supine satt in, imperative sätt in)

  1. to deposit (put money into an account)
    Antonym: ta ut
    Jag satte in 5000 krI deposited 5000 SEK
  2. to put in (place inside)
    Frimärkssamlaren satte in frimärket i albumetThe stamp collector put the stamp in the album
    Han satte in en annons i tidningenHe put an ad in the newspaper
  3. to apply or call in (initiate or summon to deal with something)
    De satte in fler trupperThey deployed more troops
    De satte in en utredningThey launched an investigation
    De satte in ett nytt läkemedel i hennes behandlingsprogramThey added a new drug to her treatment program


Conjugation of sätta (weak)
active passive
infinitive sätta in sättas in
supine satt in satts in
imperative sätt in
imper. plural1 sätten in
present past present past
indicative sätter in satte in sätts in, sättes in sattes in
ind. plural1 sätta in satte in sättas in sattes in
subjunctive2 sätte in satte in sättes in sattes in
present participle insättande
past participle insatt

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.


See also
