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Compound of redare (freighter, shipowner) +‎ hytt (cabin).



redarhytt c

  1. (nautical) An owner's suit on a (passenger) ship.
    • 1933 March 27, Svenska Dagbladet, page 3:
      [] men faktum är att primadonnan nu är installerad i [skeppet] Annie Johnsons redarhytt []
      [] but the fact is that the prima donna is now installed in [the ship] Annie Johnson's owner's suit []
    • 1951 June 10, Aftonbladet, page 7:
      [] något som passerade varpå han lugnt gick till sängs i Aeolus redarhytt medan []
      [] something that passed whereupon he calmly went to bed in Aeolus's owner's suit while []

Usage notes

  • Often the best cabin on the ship, and in most cases, when the owner is not on-board, it is avaible to be booked by other passengers.

See also
