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From Proto-Finnic *porcas, from Proto-Finno-Permic *porćas, borrowed from Proto-Indo-European *pórḱos. Cognates include Finnish porsas.




  1. piglet


Inflection of porzaz (inflection type 29/lambaz)
nominative sing. porzaz
genitive sing. porshan
partitive sing. porzast
partitive plur. porshid
singular plural
nominative porzaz porshad
accusative porshan porshad
genitive porshan porshiden
partitive porzast porshid
essive-instructive porshan porshin
translative porshaks porshikš
inessive porshas porshiš
elative porshaspäi porshišpäi
illative porshaze porshiže
adessive porshal porshil
ablative porshalpäi porshilpäi
allative porshale porshile
abessive porshata porshita
comitative porshanke porshidenke
prolative porzastme porshidme
approximative I porshanno porshidenno
approximative II porshannoks porshidennoks
egressive porshannopäi porshidennopäi
terminative I porshazesai porshižesai
terminative II porshalesai porshilesai
terminative III porshassai
additive I porshazepäi porshižepäi
additive II porshalepäi porshilepäi