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portion +‎ -era



portionera (present portionerar, preterite portionerade, supine portionerat, imperative portionera)

  1. (often with ut (out), sometimes with upp (up)) to portion (split into portions (and distribute), of food or something else)
    Portionera (ut) glassen i små glas eller skålar
    Portion the ice cream into small glasses or bowls
    Portionera fisken i 140 g-bitar och lägg i en smord ugnsfast form
    Portion the fish into 140 g pieces and place in a greased baking [ovenproof] dish
    Portionera upp soppan i skålar
    Ladle / dish up [to get "up" in] the soup into bowls
    Man har valt att portionera ut avsnitten över fyra veckor istället för att lägga upp alla på en gång
    They ["one" – de (they) also works] have chosen to portion out the episodes over four weeks instead of putting them up all at once
    1. to dole out, to dispense
      Nisse gillar att portionera ut visdom då och då
      Nisse likes to dispense wisdom now and then


Conjugation of portionera (weak)
active passive
infinitive portionera portioneras
supine portionerat portionerats
imperative portionera
imper. plural1 portioneren
present past present past
indicative portionerar portionerade portioneras portionerades
ind. plural1 portionera portionerade portioneras portionerades
subjunctive2 portionere portionerade portioneres portionerades
present participle portionerande
past participle portionerad

1 Archaic. 2 Dated. See the appendix on Swedish verbs.

