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porn and prawn

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porn and prawn (uncountable)

  1. (Australia, attributive) A social event featuring adult entertainment.
    • 1995, Criticial InQueeries, volume 1, page 37:
      So long as women's sport is given such short shrift, especially in terms of media attention, commercial sponsorship and prize money, and so long as men fail to analyse the cultural connections between their ‘porn and prawn’ mornings, their conveyance of football violence from the field into their homes, and their desire for mateship against their homophobia, there is a place for feminism in football.
    • 2004, The Bulletin, 6411-6414, p. 41:
      The Broncos star's off-colour joke was the sort of thing that would have had them slapping their thighs at a porn-and-prawn night in the 1950s, and as bad jokes go, it wasn't too bad.