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Likely from Ancient Greek πλᾰ́σμᾰ n (plắsmă, something formed, a creation or formation) +‎ -otomy (an incision).



plasmotomy (uncountable)

  1. (biology) A form of asexual reproduction, in protozoa, in which a multinucleate cell divides into similar daughter cells without mitosis.
    • 2015 December 1, “Seeing the Whole Elephant: Imaging Flow Cytometry Reveals Extensive Morphological Diversity within Blastocystis Isolates”, in PLOS ONE[1], →DOI:
      We did not find evidence to support alternative modes of reproduction such as plasmotomy and budding in Blastocystis as suggested by others since we did not observe multinucleation in irregularly-shaped viable cells.